There are fourteen Municipal Owned Entities (MOEs) that were created for effective service delivery to the residents of the CoJ. These are divided into agencies: Johannesburg City Parks, Johannesburg Development Agency, Johannesburg Road Agency; utilities: Johannesburg Roads Agency, City Power, Johannesburg Pikitup and Johannesburg Water; and corporatised entities: Johannesburg Civic Theatre, Johannesburg Tourism Company, Johannesburg Fresh Produce Market, Johannesburg Metropolitan Bus Services, Johannesburg Social Housing Company, City of Joburg Property Company, Metropolitan Trading Company and Johannesburg Zoo.

These companies need property related services from JPC from time to time, which include:

  • Registration of servitudes for the installation of services: roads, water and electrical reticulation;
  • Purchasing of land for housing, road construction and landfill sites;
  • Encroachment agreements;
  • Lease management; and
  • General property management

The services are provided by JPC through a dedicated Municipal portfolio section within the company. The services provided from this portfolio are crucial for service delivery by the MOEs. Constant contact with the MOEs is maintained through this portfolio to understand their requirements, provide solutions and anticipate future needs.

For the public in general, the municipal portfolio handles letters of consent where the title deed specifies that CoJ must give permission prior to transfer of property to another purchaser.